
搭乘校巴前請先量體溫、載口罩,並配合簡訊實聯制掃瞄車上QR Code!



三、校園公車及區間車已完成簡訊實聯制QR CODE設置,請配合掃描登記(免費)。


※使用iPhone手機(IOS系統)可直接以內建相機掃描。使用Android等其他系統因未內建QR掃描,需另下載掃描QR CODE的app才能掃描連結到簡訊發送。

Please measure your forehead temperaturem,wear mask and scan SMS QR Code before getting on the bus.

I. During the epidemic prevention period, please walk more and ride UBike more, and avoid taking public transportation to increase the chance of cluster infection.

I I. Please wear a face mask when get on the bus.(Please do not get on the bus without the body temperature sticker). Please no eating or drinking on the bus. Let's prevent epidemic and keep health together

I I I. The campus shuttle bus have completed the QR CODE setting for SMS System, please scan QR Code and send the message.(free)

During out of service hours of temperature measurement stations on campus, you can measure your forehead temperature at north gate, south gate (Main campus) and main gate(Nanda campus). 

If you use IPhone ( the IOS system) , you just scan directly with the built-in camera. Otherwise, for the other systems, such as Android,  since there is no built-in QR scan camera, you have to download the app which can scan QR Code.
