【校園流浪犬訊息 Information about stray dogs on campus】
Since February 21, 2025, a group of stray dogs consisting of 1 black and 3 yellow dogs has been spotted on campus, exhibiting chasing behavior. The locations where they have been seen are mainly around the Accelerator Building, Yi Garden, the Education Building, and the Biomedical and Environmental Health Building. The administrative team has reported this to the Hsinchu City Animal Protection Office and has placed traps nearby. Please pay attention to your own safety and be reminded of the following points:
1.Stay away from stray dogs: When you encounter stray dogs, please keep your distance and do not approach them directly. If you want to take photos and record them ,please do so from a distance to avoid provoking a reaction from the dogs. If the dogs approach you, you can use personal items (such as a backpack) to shield yourself until the dogs leave. Do not make big movements or panic and run, as it may trigger the dogs to chase after you.
2.Do not provoke: Please do not provoke stray dogs, as this may cause them to attack and cause injury.
3.Do not feed the dogs: The stable campus strays are being fed by Huaisheng Club, so there is no need to feed any stray dogs.
4.Contact the campus police: If you see stray dogs without collars, please contact the campus police immediately: 03-5714769.